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Toilet Rebates Available Now

Older toilets are a large source of wasted water for residents, with some models using up to 6 gallons per flush. It’s estimated that a family of four can save up to 20,000 gallons, or $110, a year by replacing toilets. If half of Albany’s residents replaced one toilet in their home, it would save approximately 95 million gallons a year!

The City of Albany offers $50 rebates for replacing old toilets with a high efficiency toilet (1.28 gallons per flush). Rebates are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Need help finding a water efficient toilet? Visit the EPA’s WaterSense product search for guidance!

Toilet Rebate Application


conserve outdoors


Most lawns require only one inch of water each week once established. Use a rain gauge or clean tuna can to measure one inch. Modify as needed with weather.

Water early in the morning (4-8 AM) or in the evening (6-8 PM).

Don't water when it is very windy or when it has recently rained.

Water, rest, water, save. The time until your soil becomes saturated and the water runs off will vary with soil composition. If water begins to run off your lawn, try the cycle-soak method.

It is easy to tell if you are under-watering your lawn. Watch for brown spots, or wilting, or do the trample test. Walk on your lawn -if your footprints remain, increase your watering time.

Use sprinklers that release large droplets close to the ground rather than those that spray a fine mist in the air.

Install drip or soaker hoses in flower and vegetable beds. These hoses deliver water right to the base of the plant, where it is most needed.

Check your irrigation system regularly. Look for broken nozzles or sprinkler heads and make sure you are not watering hard surfaces like your driveway or sidewalk.

Mulch around your plants to reduce water evaporation. Three inches of mulch also helps protect against weeds and still allows water to penetrate to the roots.

Visit the Albany Water Efficient (AWE) Garden located at the Main Library, northwest corner of the front parking lot.
Brochure | Plant List


conserve bathroom


Don't use the toilet as a wastebasket. Many people dispose of cigarettes and small pieces of trash in the toilet. Each flush wastes two to six gallons of water.

Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving. Swishing the razor in a partially filled sink is as effective as letting water run over the blade and can save 300 gallons a month!

Install low flow aerators on your sink and a low flow showerhead.

Repair dripping faucets or leaking toilets. Leaks are one of the largest water wasters in the home. A toilet that runs occasionally through the day may be wasting hundreds of gallons of water each month.

If your toilet was installed prior to 1993, use a milk jug to deflect some water.

Take shorter showers. If you take baths, plug the drain before turning on the water. When the water does become hot, it will quickly warm up the cool water that came out first.


conserve laundry


Wash only full loads of laundry or use the load size selector on your machine. it is more efficient to wash a full large load than several full small loads.

Pretreat stains to prevent having to wash more than once.

Consider replacing an older washing machine. Some new models use as little as 12 gallons per load (compared to 40 for standard top loading machines) and offer faster spins that reduce drying time.

If your laundry has a sink, install a low flow aerator on the faucet. 


conserve kitchen


Only run the dishwasher when it is full. If you wash dishes by hand, fill the second basin with rinse water or turn the water off between rinsing.

Don't run water to wait for it to get cool. Fill a pitcher with water and store it in the refrigerator.

Check and repair leaks often. Leaks are one of the largest wasters of water in the home.

Save the "waiting to get hot" water and use it to water plants or put it in a pitcher in the fridge to drink later.

Don't let the faucet run while you scrub vegetables. Put a stopper in a clean sink and partially fill it instead.

Don't use warm water to thaw out food, put it in the microwave, or in the refrigerator the night before.

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