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ada_parkingWhat is accessible parking? 
Why aren't there more spaces for people with disabilities?
Why is accessible parking required in that parking lot?

The state of Oregon sets the laws and standards regarding accessible parking in parking lots and includes specifications for the number of accessible spaces and how they are designed.  Almost every parking lot is required to have accessible parking of some kind.  Businesses, places of employment, medical offices, and City Hall are all examples.  The City of Albany enforces the state requirements and investigates complaints when they arise.

Businesses and facilities with only on-street parking may not have a designated accessible space.  Often, businesses share spaces on the streets.  Albany has a few spaces like this in the downtown area.  They include areas near the Linn County Courthouse, Linn County Armory Building, and the state employment office.  The federal government has studied accessible parking significantly, and the City strives to meet those guidelines in order to provide the best level of access possible for citizens with disabilities.

Accessible parking benefits a large portion of the community and has a direct effect on people's daily lives.  Helping property owners to develop good parking is a goal of the City's Accessibility Program.  If you have questions or concerns about accessible parking anywhere in Albany, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the City of Albany Building Department at 541-917-7553.

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