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The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP) was adopted by the Albany City Council in June 2001 and last revised in 2012. The NTCP is an element of the Albany Transportation System Plan and is a cooperative process between the City and the neighborhoods. It provides the citizens of the Albany a process for addressing their concerns about neighborhood traffic issues. The program also provides the City with a tool for evaluating the need for traffic calming as a result of traffic impacts in a neighborhood. Prior to implementation of this program, there was neither a standard for traffic calming devices nor a method to determine when a traffic calming device was warranted.

The NTCP is a program to assist neighborhoods in solving problems with traffic speed and volume. However, not all types of traffic problems belong in the traffic calming program. The City will assist the applicant to determine if the NTCP is the correct place to resolve the issue. If at least fifty-one percent of the adjacent property owners are willing to participate in the cost of the device, the problem meets the minimum requirements, and the plan receives both neighborhood and Traffic Safety Commission approval; the traffic calming device is installed according to City standards. In cases where the problem does not meet the minimum standards established in this program, the City will work with the applicant to see if the problem can be corrected through education or enforcement.

Download a presentation (3MB pdf) on the Traffic Calming program.

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