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Create an account

Create an account

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Account numbers have changed in the new billing system. Visit and click on "Find my account." Then, fill in your old account number and your billing zip code from a previous bill to search for your new account number.

ac findmyaccount

ac findmyaccount2

With your new account number and billing zip code, start the account registration process by clicking on the "Sign up/register" button. 

ac signupregister

Fill in the registration questions and create a complex password.

ac signupregister2 ac signupregister success

Check your email for a confirmation message. Click on the "Complete Registration" link in that email. Always be sure the link begins with "".

ac signupregister email

Your registration will be confirmed and you can sign into your account.

ac signin

You are encouraged to set up multi factor authentication (MFA) using your email to help keep your account and personal data more secure.

ac signin mfa


The City of Albany manages the water, sewer, and stormwater utilities in the City of Albany. Rates are set through resolution by the Albany City Council. Low-income assistance is available to all qualifying low-income residential customers.

Public Works-Utility Billing

 333 Broadalbin SW (1st floor)
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